What is a Sugar Baby? – Facts about a sugar baby
Once upon a time there was a young, pretty girl who didn’t find a suitable man. She was desperate and thougt that she never found the right partner in her life. She was looking for a man who was able to meet her demands. Besides her grand requirements were incompatible with her own lifestyle. The yearning for a better life with a wealthy man by her side was increasing. The easiest way to make her dreams come true was becoming a sugar baby…
The truth of a real sugar baby:
The question of what it is to be a sugar baby elicits mixed reactions. Many seem to associate sugar babies with money and even prostitution. However, this is not entirely true. Everybody has needs and thus tries to find ways to fulfill these needs. For example, when a college going student has financial problems, they may work odd jobs just to get through. When it comes to a sugar baby, the keyword here is an agreed-upon arrangement. This means that both the sugar baby and her sugar daddy have to come to an arrangement agreed upon by both parties on how to go about with the relationship. Although financial motivation is one of the main reasons for entering into such an arrangement, the sugar baby may also enter such an arrangement to seek for companionship, a higher class in life, mentorship among others. Sugar babies may vary from single moms, college going students and young women seeking to make it life. But Many people fantasise about having a sugar baby, but they are not sure of the qualities that they should go for. If you are looking for a sugar baby for companionship, there are various factors that you would want to consider…

What is a sugar baby
Reasons for being a sugar baby:
- finanicial benefits
- new experience
- introduce in a new high level society
- New friendships
- No financial worries
- mutually beneficial relationship
Look of a Sugar Baby
Imagination of a sugar Daddy
When a sugar daddy is looking for a sugar baby, there are various imaginations of the perfect lady that comes to his mind. One of these fantasies is getting to be in control of the relationship. Many sugar daddies want to look for a sugar baby as there are fewer commitments involved and he is always able to make rules, which is in contrast to his legally married wife. As long as a sugar baby receives the favours agreed upon at the start of the relationship, then you can be guaranteed to win all the favours that you have been looking for with little or no restrictions.
How Does She Look?
A sugar baby will always compliment the looks of a sugar baby and make him feel more confident and young. That said, a sugar baby needs to be younger than the man. A sugar daddy wants a lady who can make heads turn due to her beauty and body whenever he is with her. The lady should show respect and loyalty not only when in public, but even when they are alone. Keeping up to date with the trend is an added advantage for the sugar baby by ensuring that she dresses in the latest fashion. A sugar daddy feels proud when he is with a lady who appears to be fashion-conscious and depicts the notion of a knowledgeable lady. Most of the times, the man might be spending time with the sugar baby in high-rank meetings where he meets his friends and business partners. As such, he needs a woman who he can comfortably introduce to people as his ‘wife’ or partner without feeling like he made the wrong choice. The lady is bound to receive even more favours from the sugar daddy based on the compliments received from her partner’s friends and business partners regarding her appearance and looks.
The Secrets of Her Perfect Look!
Ever wondered why a sugar baby is always looking attractive and every man is going after her? The secret of her perfect looks lies on the amount of money she is willing to spend to appear elegant and young. A sugar baby receives financial favours from her sugar daddy who helps her purchase expensive clothes, jewellery and cosmetics to keep her looking beautiful. Like a sugar daddy, one of the main focuses is to ensure that your sugar baby has enough money to maintain her looks.
Some sugar babies have gone to the extent of undergoing plastic surgeries to enhance their looks. These operations are expensive and sensitive if done by unprofessional medics. For this reason, a sugar baby requires enough money to undergo through surgeries conducted by legal and professional doctors who are in a position to offer her the best advice before commencing on the operation. To comprehend her looks further, a sugar baby is most likely to be seen hanging out with other attractive ladies who help in drawing more attention from potential sugar daddies. As far as the sugar baby is always looking perfect, there is still a sugar daddy who is there for her to ensure that she maintains her looks.
Relationship with a sugar baby
True love?
Everyone want something different in life. While finding true love is one, one also needs to survive. There is this notion that true love conquers all. However, how will you be able to love on a hungry stomach? Furthermore, take the assumption that you are in college with your boyfriend whom you love but cannot afford to complete your education because of financial reasons. Will you drop out of school and just hope that life will be kind to you as long as you have true love? And what guarantee will you have that your true love will be with you for life? This is why it is important to be an independent woman and make decisions that have a positive impact on your life. This will ensure that when indeed you are ready to find true love, then you will have accomplished your life’s goals. Furthermore, since this is a discreet arrangement, you can agree with your sugar daddy on your terms and how you will go by while still enjoying a relationship with your true love.
An alternative relationship?
When it comes to getting into a relationship with a sugar baby, privacy is of prime importance. This is because the bulk of men who enter into these arrangements are actually wealthy men who have made it in life, are highly respected in the society and may even have families of their own. This means that they want to treat the relationship with discretion. Sugar babies on the other hand clearly understand this and they try to be as discreet as possible. This is why it is important when entering into such an arrangement that both parties set rules on which limits they can cross and which they cannot cross. There is this stereotyping of sugar babies as women who are out there to manipulate and take advantage of rich men just for their money. This is not entirely true since most of the sugar babies just want to complement their lives. For example, a young college woman may find that she is not able to pay for her school fees and thus enters into such an agreed-upon arrangement to make her ends meet.
A sugar baby arrangement is an alternative type of relationship with the added advantage that each party gets to state what they want. This means that a sugar baby can negotiate on the terms of the arrangement, and since there are no strings attached, any of the involved parties can pull out at any time. This is especially beneficial for sugar babies since not all men are the same and when you see signs that the relationship may not be beneficial or may be harmful, then you can get out.
Mutual benefits
One of the reasons why many young women and rich men are getting into these arrangements is that it benefits both sides. This means that both sides can negotiate on what they want and be able to reach a compromise. This is the same as doing a business transaction where both parties get something out of the deal. Sugar babies are especially advised to be brutally honest about what they want in the arrangement. This is because you will always find a sugar daddy who is willing to provide for what you want. However, if you want to be successful, then you should make realistic expectations when filing out your sugar baby profile.

What is a sugar baby
Sugar baby Goals
What are the common goals?
A sugar baby is a person who is in a romantic relationship for money, lavish gifts or different advantages in return. Most sugar babies are women in their early adult years. Sugar babies are very educated and ambitious. They have goals to achieve and a plan for their life. Most sugar babies are very confident and bold because sugar babies are very criticised. They are focused on delivering what they want from sugar dating. Most common dreams for sugar babies are to start a business venture to make more money. Sugar babies get into sugar dating because they need salary and a regular job pay is not enough.The business venture they want to get into will vary from one sugar baby to another. The most common goals for sugar babies is to live a luxurious lifestyle. They want to travel to lavish places around the world and get designer bags and shoes. Also, a good car and money to spend whenever they want to.
How to become a perfect sugar baby?
Being a Sugar Baby is a heap of diligent work. Many people believe it’s just about ‘looking beautiful,’ or walking around in expensive designer shoes. Nothing can be further from the truth. Being a great Sugar Baby isn’t just having the capacity to keep yourself cheerful, however, having the ability to hold a man glad also.
There are such a large number of things that accompany keeping him. Some physical, enthusiastic and mental. It’s tied in with maintaining a stable adjust, while in the meantime, caring for yourself. Here are some things that contribute to being a perfect sugar baby.
(1) Be Honest
Experts have stated that the most successful Sugar Baby and Sugar Daddy connections frame out of merciless genuineness. On the off chance that you go into a game plan with every one of your desires on the table, every individual will realise what’s in store for each other.There will not be any disagreement if both parties are honest about their expectations.
(2) Invest in looking good
This is plain as day. It’s so natural for sugar babies to get settled around their Sugar Daddies. It is anything but challenging to figure they won’t see our slight dunk in appearance. Changing your looks to something he’s not used to could go in two separate ways. It is possible that he cherishes it, and it turns him on, or he detests it and would like to look somewhere else. Is there a specific dress you wore when you initially observed him that he complimented? Possibly a lipstick shade he liked? Wearing something like those things could keep you inside the ‘protected zone’ with regards to endeavouring to inspire your Sugar Daddy physically.
(3) Keep it private
Keeping your affair with the sugar daddy private is important. Most sugar daddies are wealthy and have serious responsibilities to other people. He will be very giving, and the relationship will last longer if you are discrete.
(4) Be confident when asking for things
The most critical advance to getting what you need is requesting it. We as a whole know this, however, hello, it can be so awkward to ask cash. If the possibility of seeking what you need makes you somewhat squeamish, set aside the opportunity to make yourself alright with it before you start talking recompense with potential sugar daddies. Some sugar daddies love confident women who go after what they want.
(5) Keep your end of the agreement
It’s a terrible plan to scratch off on a sugar daddy or to appear late to a meeting or to change the terms of the current game plan. For the agreement to work both parties must keep their word. The purpose of building up a strong assertion is to maintain a strategic distance from undesirable amazements. Sugar daddies have busy schedules hence a perfect sugar baby should learn to adapt. It may appear to be out of line, yet it’s a piece of the unwritten code of sugar dating. If he stops keeping his promise, then it is best to terminate the agreement. Also be caring and loving but do not overdo it and it can come off as a pretence.
In Conclusion…

What is a sugar baby
Be Honest |
Invest in looking good |
Keep it private |
Keep confident when asking for things |
Keep your end of the agreement |
Balance between the new and old life
Once a sugar baby gets to live the sugar dating lifestyle it is tough to stop. The experience is very different as compared to their previous experience. A sugar baby can now buy things she couldn’t buy before which is somewhat fun. It is one of the reasons why sugar babies find it hard to quit being sugar babies because they are so used to being spoilt.
The big Confession of a sugar baby?
Sugar babies are very controversial, and not everyone can be a sugar baby. Family and friends can be very judgy and may not take the issue well. One of the examples is a story told by a sugar baby on how she fell in love with her sugar daddy and her family and friends reaction.
At 24 years of age, my sugar daddy is 15 years older than me. He is more experienced than me, red-haired, entertaining, with a beautiful body structure and wealthy as well. We began our course of action by spending two or three evenings per week together, and I thought I’d back things off once I got used to him, or exhausted of him, or whatever in the long run happened. When I first told my parents that I had a sugar daddy, it didn’t go well. They were furious but later came around.
In any case, a weird thing has happened – Not just did I never diminish the recurrence of our dates, we’re seeing each other the majority of the time now! I think I am falling for my sugar daddy. I told my mother, and she believes it is a bad idea. He tries to make me become flushed with endowments and money frequently and didn’t wait to see my response when I know what he had purchased for me, or where he is taking me for supper. He even got him, and I yearly goes to the nearby entertainment park, and we ride crazy rides and snicker, and do other things.
He indicates a high level of fondness me, regardless of whether it’s with long, overwhelming exceptional circumstances in the room or by snuggling with me and stroking my arm when we’re strolling together. It doesn’t feel like an administration. It doesn’t feel like a demonstration. It feels natural, even real.